
CherryPy Essentials (Сильвиан Хелегоуш)

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию"

2200 руб
40 руб

Список участников складчины:

1. Dr.Vatson 2. victimofchanges
  1. Dr.Vatson Организатор складчин

    CherryPy Essentials (Сильвиан Хелегоуш)


    • Design, develop, test, and deploy your Python web applications easily
    • Walks through building a complete Python web application using CherryPy 3
    • The CherryPy HTTP Рython interface
    • Use CherryPy with other Python libraries
    • Design, security, testing, and deployment
    CherryPy is a Python library for web development that allows developers to build web applications in the same way as any other object-oriented Python program. Enriched by several years of active development, it has become one of the most established toolkits for building solid and high-performance web applications in Python. CherryPy abstracts the complex low-level HTTP protocol into an easy-to-use interface that respects Python idioms. The library aims at being simple to learn for a beginner while offering the most advanced features to fluent Python developers. For these reasons CherryPy was chosen to be at the heart of the popular and feature-rich TurboGears web framework. CherryPy-powered web applications are stand-alone Python applications with their own embedded multi-threaded web server, but can also run behind Apache or IIS for scalability. This book covers the CherryPy library for Python web development from its history and installation through its main features and core concepts to its integration with Python and other products to construct, test, and deploy a sample photoblog application. The author Sylvain Hellegouarch is dedicated to the development of free software projects and has been coordinating and administrating the community efforts around the CherryPy project since 2004. The approach based on an example application introduces many other common Python libraries, providing transferable skills also relevant for non-web Python projects.

    Format: EPUB, PDF.
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  3. Dr.Vatson Организатор складчин
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    Цена продукта: 2200 руб. Взнос с каждого участника: 40 руб.
    Кол-во участников в основном списке: 1 чел.

    Начало сбора взносов 12 Сентябрь 2020 года