
Essential Grammar in Use. 3rd Edition (Raymond Murphy)

Тема в разделе "Английский"

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Список участников складчины:

1. Парижанка 2. Ольга15.08 3. Osipylya 4. Basta 5. Lisca 6. Гульнара1008 7. Bloodyaugustin 8. Bellinda 9. Наталья2305 10. Ирина1016 11. Alberta 12. Ритала 13. Valesta 14. pilot_kosyakov 15. valeriya_d 16. Tanyaha84 17. Дочь Солнца
  1. Парижанка Организатор складчин

    Essential Grammar in Use. 3rd Edition (Raymond Murphy)

    The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. Essential Grammar in Use is a self-study reference and practice book for elementary-level learners (A1-B1), used by millions of people around the world. With clear examples, easy-to-follow exercises and answer key, the Fourth edition is perfect for independent study, covering all the areas of grammar that you will need at this level. The book has an easy-to-use format of two-page units with clear explanations of grammar points on the left-hand page, and practice exercises on the right. It also includes plenty of additional exercises and a Study Guide to help you find the grammar units you need to study.

    Самоучитель по грамматике с практическими упражнениями для изучающих английский язык на начальном уровне. Бестселлер. В просторечии "Красный Мерфи".

    Начальная/Базовая грамматика на практике (практическая).

    Это пособие внешне построено точно так же, как и "English Grammar in Use" : каждый урок - разворот страницы: слева теория, справа упражнения (ответы в конце книги), но, как явствует из названия, предназначено для начинающих, поэтому темы занятий здесь немного другие.

    Издание состоит из 114 уроков, 7-ми приложений и ключей. К каждому уроку есть свой отдельный аудиоролик с записью всех фраз, приводимых на левой странице (теория). Это не грамматика в чистом виде (как и весь Мёрфи), а лишь абсолютно необходимая практика для усвоения и закрепления полученных знаний, поэтому не забудьте, что хорошую, подробную грамматику Вам все равно надо иметь у себя

    To the student To the teacher Thanks
    1 am/is/are
    2 am/is/are (questions)
    3 I am doing (present continuous)
    4 are you doing? (present continuous questions)
    5 I do/work/like etc. (present simple)
    6 I don't ... (present simple negative)
    7 Do you ... ? (present simple questions)
    8 I am doing and I do (present continuous and present simple)
    9 I have ... / I've got ...
    10 was/were
    11 worked/got/went etc. (past simple)
    12 I didn't ... Did you ... ? (past simple negative and questions)
    13 1 was doing (past continuous)
    14 I was doing (past continuous) and I did (past simple)
    15 1 have done (present perfect 1)
    16 I've just ... I've already ... I haven't ... yet (present perfect 2)
    17 Have you ever ... ? (present perfect 3)
    18 How long have you ... ? (present perfect 4)
    19 for since ago
    20 I have done (present perfect) and I did (past simple)
    21 is done was done (passive 1)
    22 is being done has been done (passive 2)
    23 be/have/do in present and past tenses
    24 Regular and irregular verbs
    25 I used to ...
    26 What are you doing tomorrow?
    27 I'm going to ...
    28 will/shall (1)
    29 will/shall (2)
    30 might
    31 can and could
    32 must mustn't needn't
    33 should
    34 I have to ...
    35 Would you like ... ? I'd like ...
    36 there is there are
    37 there was/were there has/have been there will be
    38 It...
    39 I am I don't etc.
    40 Have you? Are you? Don't you? etc.
    41 too/either so am I / neither do I etc.
    42 isn't haven't don't etc. (negatives)
    43 is it... ? have you ... ? do they ... ? etc. (questions-1)
    44 Who saw you? Who did you see? (questions 2)
    45 Who is she talking to? What is it like? (questions 3)
    46 What ... ? Which ... ? How ... ?
    47 How long does it take ... ?
    48 Do you know where ... ? I don't know what... etc.
    49 She said that... He told me that ...
    50 work/working go/going do/doing
    51 to ... (I want to do) and -ing (I enjoy doing)
    52 I want you to ... I told you to ...
    53 I went to the shop to ...
    54 goto... goon... go for... go-ing
    55 get
    56 do and make
    57 have
    58 I/me he/him they/them etc.
    59 my/his/their etc.
    60 Whose is this? It's mine/yours/hers etc.
    61 I/me/my/mine
    62 myself/yourself/themselves etc.
    63 -'s (Ann's camera / my brother's car) etc.
    64 a/an ...
    65 flower(s) bus(es) (singular and plural)
    66 a car / some money (countable/uncountable 1)
    67 a car / some money (countable/uncountable 2)
    68 a/an and the
    69 the ...
    70 go to work / go home / go to the cinema
    71 I like music 1 hate exams
    72 the... (names of places)
    73 this/that/these/those
    74 one/ones
    75 some and any
    76 not + any no none
    77 not + anybody/anyone/anything nobody/no-one/nothing
    78 somebody/anything/nowhere etc.
    79 every and all
    80 all most some any no/none
    81 both either neither
    82 a lot much many
    83 (a) little (a) few
    84 old/nice/interesting etc. (adjectives)
    85 quickly/badly/suddenly etc. (adverbs)
    86 old/older expensive / more expensive
    87 older than ... more expensive than ...
    88 not as ... as
    89 the oldest the most expensive
    90 enough
    91 too
    92 He speaks English very well, (word order 1)
    93 always/usually/often etc. (word order 2)
    94 still yet already
    95 Give me that book! Give it to me!
    96 at 8 o'clock on Monday in April
    97 from ... to until since for
    98 before after during while
    99 in at on (places 1)
    100 in at on (places 2)
    101 to in at (places 3)
    102 under behind opposite etc. (prepositions)
    103 up over through etc. (prepositions)
    104 on at by with about (prepositions)
    105 afraid of... good at... etc. preposition+"-ing (good at-ing etc.)
    106 listen to... look at... etc. (verb + preposition)
    107 go in fall off run away etc. (phrasal verbs 1)
    108 put on your shoes put your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2)
    109 and but or so because
    110 When...
    111 If we go ... If you see ... etc.
    112 If I had ... If we went... etc.
    113 a person who ... a thing that/which ... (relative clauses 1)
    114 the people we met the hotel you stayed at (relative clauses 2)
    Appendix 1 Active and passive 239
    Appendix 2 List of irregular verbs 240
    Appendix 3 Irregular verbs in groups 241
    Appendix 4 Short forms (he's / I'd / don't etc.) 242
    Appendix 5 Spelling 244
    Appendix 6 Phrasal verbs (look out / take off etc.) 246
    Appendix 7 Phrasal verbs + object (fill in a form / put out a fire etc.) 247
    Additional exercises 248
    Key to Exercises 265
    Key to Additional exercises 293
    Index 296

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  3. Osipylya Складчик
    Подскажите, пожалуйста, а диск имеется?
  4. Парижанка Организатор складчин
    Самого диска нет, но есть все-все аудио отдельно и плюс бонусом книга с упражнениями
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  5. NataliaB11 Складчик
    Доброго вечора!
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  6. Парижанка Организатор складчин
    Добрый вечер))
    • Книга в формате пдф (грамматика, упражнения и ответы)
    • Отдельный сборник упражнений к этой книге, тоже в формате пдф, с ответами
    • В отдельных папках аудио к книге и упражнениям
  7. NataliaB11 Складчик
    Дякую за відповідь, ще підскажіть на якому диску зберігається матеріал Яндекс чи Гугл?
    Парижанка нравится это.
  8. Парижанка Организатор складчин
    Ни то, ни другое - облако Mail