
[Udemy] Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT in Data Science: A-Z Guide (Prince Patni)

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1. Dr.Vatson
  1. Dr.Vatson Организатор складчин

    [Udemy] Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT in Data Science: A-Z Guide (Prince Patni)


    [Udemy] Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT in Data Science: A-Z Guide (Prince Patni)

    As data scientists, we know the importance of being able to process and analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately. However, with the explosion of data in recent years, traditional methods are becoming increasingly inadequate. That's where ChatGPT comes in.
    In this course, you'll learn how to use ChatGPT in data science, including how to train it on your own data and how to use it to generate new data. We'll also cover advanced techniques such as fine-tuning and transfer learning, so you can customize ChatGPT to your specific needs.

    Top Reasons why you should become a Data Scientist :
    Why data science? It is simple. Making sense of data will reduce the horrors of uncertainty for organizations. As organizations trying to meddle with petabytes of data, a data scientist’s role is to help them utilize this opportunity to find insights from this data pool.
    Data scientists are in constant demand because it is a data-heavy world!
    Be a part of the world's digital transformation.
    The demand for Data Science professionals is on the rise. This is one of the most sought-after profession currently.
    There are multiple opportunities across the Globe for everyone with this skill.
    Great career trajectory with data science – you will have rewarding career growth in this field.

    As a Data scientist, you can expect to take away a great salary package. Usual data scientists are paid great salaries, sometimes much above the normal market standards due to the critical roles and responsibilities.
    Competition is less, but demand is not.

    Top Reasons why you should choose this Course:
    This course is designed keeping in mind the students from all backgrounds - hence we cover everything from basics, and gradually progress towards more important topics around leveraging ChatGPT as a Data Scientist.
    This course can be completed over a Weekend.
    This course covers end to end road map to use ChatGPT as a Data Scientist.
    Useful resources, and website links are shared to prepare for your Data Science journey with ChatGPT.
    All Doubts will be answered.

    Enrolling in this course will give you an edge in the data science field and make you stand out in the job market. With the power of ChatGPT at your fingertips, you'll be able to analyze and understand your data like never before. So don't wait, enroll now and start unlocking the full potential of ChatGPT in data science!

    A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course.

    What you learn:
    - How to leverage ChatGPT in Data Science Projects
    - How to be a more effective Data Scientist by leveraging the power of ChatGPT
    - Understanding ChatGPT capabilities and making a smart use of them
    - Smart 'prompts' to make use of ChatGPT in an efficient way
    - Different Data Science concepts and how to learn them practically using ChatGPT

    - No experience needed, you will learn everything about using ChatGPT and Data Science.

    Who this course is for:
    - All Data Science enthusiasts
    - All ChatGPT enthusiasts
    - Anybody learning or working in Data Science field
    - All programmers / developers / data scientists
    - Students in College / University preparing for professional IT jobs
    - Anybody willing to learn how to use a new technology in a better way

    01 Introduction
    01 What is ChatGPT.mp4 [73m 106k 901]
    01 What is ChatGPT.srt [4k 459]
    02 Using ChatGPT in Data Science - An Introduction.mp4 [95m 464k 690]
    02 Using ChatGPT in Data Science - An Introduction.srt [6k 410]

    02 Data Exploration
    03 Data Exploration - Intro.mp4 [34m 503k 723]
    03 Data Exploration - Intro.srt [1k 673]
    04 Data Exploration with chatGPT.mp4 [67m 244k 327]
    04 Data Exploration with chatGPT.srt [10k 18]

    03 Data Modeling
    05 Data Modeling - Intro.mp4 [51m 872k 171]
    05 Data Modeling - Intro.srt [2k 481]
    06 Data Modeling with chatGPT.mp4 [88m 425k 157]
    06 Data Modeling with chatGPT.srt [13k 109]

    04 Feature Engineering
    07 Feature Engineering - Intro.mp4 [47m 85k 338]
    07 Feature Engineering - Intro.srt [2k 512]
    08 Feature Engineering with chatGPT.mp4 [84m 574k 736]
    08 Feature Engineering with chatGPT.srt [13k 248]
    09 Feature Engineering - Conclusion.mp4 [22m 44k 699]
    09 Feature Engineering - Conclusion.srt [1k 161]

    05 Error Debugging
    10 Error Debugging - Intro.mp4 [18m 417k 536]
    10 Error Debugging - Intro.srt [881]
    11 Error Debugging with chatGPT - Prompts.mp4 [78m 712k 924]
    11 Error Debugging with chatGPT - Prompts.srt [9k 857]
    12 Error Debugging - Conclusion.mp4 [18m 772k 396]
    12 Error Debugging - Conclusion.srt [889]

    06 Predictive Modeling
    13 Predictive Modeling.mp4 [59m 809k 452]
    13 Predictive Modeling.srt [3k 26]
    14 Predictive Modeling - Conclusion.mp4 [14m 284k 236]
    14 Predictive Modeling - Conclusion.srt [695]

    07 Report Generation
    15 Report Generation - Intro.mp4 [38m 396k 779]
    15 Report Generation - Intro.srt [1k 911]
    16 Report Generation with chatGPT - Prompts.mp4 [20m 489k 251]
    16 Report Generation with chatGPT - Prompts.srt [4k 361]
    17 Report Generation - Conclusion.mp4 [11m 64k 172]
    17 Report Generation - Conclusion.srt [532]

    08 Explaining model
    18 Explain Model - Intro.mp4 [16m 621k 338]
    18 Explain Model - Intro.srt [783]
    19 Explain Model with chatGPT.mp4 [25m 506k 573]
    19 Explain Model with chatGPT.srt [3k 886]
    20 Explain Model - Conclusion.mp4 [38m 283k 878]
    20 Explain Model - Conclusion.srt [2k 67]

    09 Explaining Code
    21 Explain Code - Intro.mp4 [48m 423k 737]
    21 Explain Code - Intro.srt [2k 745]
    22 Explain Code with chatGPT - Prompts.mp4 [36m 283k 538]
    22 Explain Code with chatGPT - Prompts.srt [5k 765]
    23 Explain Code - Conclusion.mp4 [22m 432k 220]
    23 Explain Code - Conclusion.srt [1k 174]

    10 Explaining data
    24 Explain Data - Intro.mp4 [15m 989k 630]
    24 Explain Data - Intro.srt [802]
    25 Explain Data with chatGPT - Prompts.mp4 [25m 887k 640]
    25 Explain Data with chatGPT - Prompts.srt [3k 774]
    26 Explain Data - Conclusion.mp4 [20m 154k 844]
    26 Explain Data - Conclusion.srt [1k 66]

    11 Documentation
    27 Documentation - Intro.mp4 [26m 214k 808]
    27 Documentation - Intro.srt [1k 342]
    28 Documentation with chatGPT - Prompts.mp4 [23m 531k 641]
    28 Documentation with chatGPT - Prompts.srt [3k 617]

    12 Time Management
    29 Time Management with chatGPT.mp4 [35m 613k 159]
    29 Time Management with chatGPT.srt [2k 46]

    13 Project Management
    30 Project Management - Intro.mp4 [31m 132k 52]
    30 Project Management - Intro.srt [1k 569]
    31 Project Management with chatGPT - Prompts.mp4 [24m 576k 398]
    31 Project Management with chatGPT - Prompts.srt [4k 983]

    14 Interview preparation
    32 Interview Preparation - Intro.mp4 [43m 229k 152]
    32 Interview Preparation - Intro.srt [2k 748]
    33 Interview Preparation with chatGPT - Prompts.mp4 [40m 943k 732]
    33 Interview Preparation with chatGPT - Prompts.srt [7k 13]

    15 Additional Resources for Learning more about ChatGPT
    34 More chatGPT Resources.mp4 [38m 333k 375]
    34 More chatGPT Resources.srt [5k 176]

    16 Conclusion
    35 Conclusion and Next Steps.mp4 [25m 972k 787]
    35 Conclusion and Next Steps.srt [1k 579]
    Объем: 1,26Гб.

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