
Звездная медитация Star Meditation (Гленн Гарольд)

Тема в разделе "Восточные системы"

700 руб
77 руб

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    Звездная медитация Star Meditation (Гленн Гарольд)


    Star Meditation (MP3 Download)

    This guided meditation features Glenn Harrold's highly acclaimed vocal delivery and Ali Calderwood's beautiful moving background sounds, which work in perfect harmony with Glenn's vocal. With this powerful but gentle meditation you will float safely up to your star to a place of peace and tranquillity where you can view any problems or issues from a much higher perspective. By escaping from the pressures and distractions of everyday life your mind will feel clearer and peaceful and you will be empowered to find solutions. Star Meditation is based on an original script by Marie Williamson who is Glenn Harrold's Personal Assistant.

    The magnetic healing quality of the music will draw you back to your centre of balance, allowing you to be in a deeper state of presence in your daily life. Within the music you will hear throat singing/chanting which has no actual translation, these sounds embody the energy of gratitude. This powerful recording is a completely safe and effective way of helping you to connect with yourself and find solutions to any problems or issues.

    There are two tracks on the recording, the first has a wake up ending for daytime use, and the second has a go to sleep ending which is ideal for bedtime use.

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